Desulfurization and upgrade of pyrolytic oil and gas during waste tires pyrolysis: The role of metal oxides
Jiang, Hao;Zhang, Junjie* ;Shao, Jingai;Fan, Tingting;Li, Jianfen;...
Waste Management ,2024年182:44-54 ISSN:0956-053X
Zhang, Junjie;Shao, JA
[Zhang, Junjie; Song, Hao; Yang, Haiping; Chen, Hanping; Shao, Jingai; Yu, Jie; Jiang, Hao; Fan, Tingting] Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Energy & Power Engn, State Key Lab Coal Combust, Wuhan 430074, Hubei Province, Peoples R China.;[Zhang, Junjie; Chen, Hanping; Shao, Jingai; Jiang, Hao; Fan, Tingting] Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Energy & Power Engn, Dept New Energy Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430074, Hubei Province, Peoples R China.;[Li, Jianfen] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.;[Agblevor, Foster] Utah State Univ, USTAR Bioenergy Ctr, Dept Biol Engn, Logan, UT 84341 USA.;[Zhang, Junjie; Shao, Jingai; Zhang, JJ; Shao, JA] 1037 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Zhang, JJ; Shao, JA ] 1;1037 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Metal oxide;Molecular dynamics simulation;Monoaromatic hydrocarbons;Volatile desulfurization;Waste tire pyrolysis
Pyrolysis can effectively convert waste tires into high-value products. However, the sulfur-containing compounds in pyrolysis oil and gas would significantly reduce the environmental and economic feasibility of this technology. Here, the desulfurization and upgrade of waste tire pyrolysis oil and gas were performed by adding different metal oxides (Fe(2)O(3), CuO, and CaO). Results showed that Fe(2)O(3) exhibited the highest removal efficiency of 87.7% for the sulfur-containing gas at 600°C with an outstanding removal efficiency of 99.5% for H(2)S. CuO and CaO were slightly inferior to Fe(2)O(3), with desulfurization efficiencies of 75.9% and 45.2% in the gas when added at 5%. Fe(2)O(3) also demonstrated a notable efficacy in eliminating benzothiophene, the most abundant sulfur compound in pyrolysis oil, with a removal efficiency of 78.1%. Molecular dynamics simulations and experiments showed that the desulfurization mechanism of Fe(2)O(3) involved the bonding of Fe-S, the breakage of C-S, dehydrogenation and oxygen migration process, which promoted the conversion of Fe(2)O(3) to FeO, FeS and Fe(2)(SO(4))(3). Meanwhile, Fe(2)O(3) enhanced the cyclization and dehydrogenation reaction, facilitating the upgrade of oil and gas (monocyclic aromatics to 57.4% and H(2) to 22.3%). This study may be helpful for the clean and high-value conversion of waste tires.
Sorption-enhanced chemical looping steam reforming coupled with water splitting for syngas and H2 coproduction using waste plastic as fuel
Zhong, Mingxuan;Cai, Yongcheng;Wang, Chenxuanzi;Li, Jianfen;Xiao, Bo;...
Chemical Engineering Journal ,2024年494:152927 ISSN:1385-8947
Xu, TT;Wang, X
[Li, Jianfen; Cai, Yongcheng; Zhong, Mingxuan; Wang, Chenxuanzi; Wang, Xun; Xiao, Bo] Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Hubei Key Lab Multimedia Pollut Cooperat Control Y, 1037 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, Peoples R China.;[Li, Jianfen; Cai, Yongcheng; Zhong, Mingxuan; Wang, Chenxuanzi; Wang, Xun; Xiao, Bo] Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Green Energy Ind Res Ctr GEIRC, 1037 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, Peoples R China.;[Li, Jianfen] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Peoples R China.;[Xu, Tingting] Nanjing Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Energy & Power Engn, MIIT Key Lab Thermal Control Elect Equipment, Nanjing 210094, Peoples R China.;[Xu, TT] Nanjing Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Energy & Power Engn, Nanjing 210094, Peoples R China.
[Xu, TT ] N;[Wang, X ] H;Nanjing Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Energy & Power Engn, Nanjing 210094, Peoples R China.;Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Environm Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China.
Sorption-enhanced technology;Chemical looping steam reforming;Hydrogen production;Waste plastic;Brownmillerite
Chemical looping is a promising technology for hydrogen production. Achieving both high purity and yield is an ongoing challenge, due to low fuel conversion and carbon deposition. In this study, a sorption-enhanced chemical looping reforming coupled with water splitting (SE-CLSR-WS) process was proposed to co-produce syngas and H 2 by using waste plastic as the fuel. The Ni-doped Ca 2 Fe 2 O 5 brownmillerites were designed and employed as oxygen carriers (OCs) and CO 2 sorbent. The introduction of Ni leaded to lattice distortion of brownmillerite, thereby enhancing the redox activity of lattice oxygen. In fuel reactor (FR), CaO in-situ captured CO 2 and shifted reaction equilibrium towards PET pyrolysis gas reforming, enhancing both syngas yield and PET conversion rates. Adhere to the surface of OCs, CaO improved cyclic performance by inhibiting agglomeration of active metals. Calcination reactor (CR) was set between FR and steam rector (SR) to in-situ desorb CO 2 and remove carbon deposition, enhancing hydrogen purity in SR. When Ca 2 Ni 0.75 Fe 1.25 O 5 -0.25CaO was applied to SE-CLSR-WS process, it exhibited synergistically strengthened performance in reaction activity, sorption capacity and cyclic stability, with a syngas purity of 82.71 % and H 2 yield of 8.01 mmol/g OC with 93.26 % purity.
Preparation of Hydrogen-rich Gas by Catalytic Pyrolysis of Straw-plastic Mixture with Nickel-based Honeycomb Cinder
Li, Zeshan;Zhang, Yiran;Xiong, Tao;Li, Bolin;Xiao, Menghan;...
BIORESOURCES ,2021年16(1):223-235 ISSN:1930-2126
Li, Jianfen
[Zhu, Yuan; Li, Jianfen; Xu, Xianzhou; Xiao, Menghan; Hu, Rui; Xiong, Tao; Zhang, Yiran; Li, Bolin; Li, Zeshan] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Peoples R China.
[Li, Jianfen] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Peoples R China.
Catalytic pyrolysis;Combustible gas;Ni/HC;Plastic (PE);Soybean straw
Nickel catalyst supported on honeycomb cinder (Ni/HC) was prepared by a homogeneous precipitation method. The catalyst was applied to produce hydrogen-rich combustible gas by catalytic pyrolysis of soybean straw and plastic (PE) mixture. The straw and plastic materials were analyzed by elemental analysis and industrial analysis. The support and catalyst were characterized by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm (BET). The analysis showed that NiO was well loaded on the surface of honeycomb coal slag carrier. The effects of Ni loading, pyrolysis temperature, holding time, and calcination temperature on the experimental results were studied. The results showed that the preparation of the catalyst was feasible and that it had a good catalytic effect. When Ni loading was 15 wt.%, catalytic pyrolysis temperature was 700 °C, holding time was 20 min, and calcination temperature of catalyst was 400 °C, H2 concentration increased from 20.6 to 52.8 vol.%, and while H2 yield was 302 mL/g, CH4 concentration decreased from 51.1 to 22.6 Vol.% and CO concentration increased from 10.8 to 17.8 vol.%. After the catalyst was regenerated 6 times, the H2 concentration still reached 40 vol.% and the combustible gas concentration was still above 80 vol.%. The catalyst still had good catalytic activity. © 2021, North Carolina State University. All rights reserved.
新型建筑材料 ,2020年47(4):77-81 ISSN:1001-702X
武汉轻工大学 化学与环境工程学院,湖北 武汉 430023;[王艳; 李泽善; 张娟娟; 郭朝强; 尚双; 兰奎; 李建芬; 熊涛] 武汉轻工大学
通过向再生骨料混凝土砌块中添加经不同种类硅烷偶联剂改性的农作物秸秆纤维,制备改性秸秆纤维增强再生骨料砌块,测试了再生骨料砌块的性能,并对试件进行SEM、XRD分析。结果表明,再生骨料砌块中的秸秆纤维用5%的KH560改性效果最优,添加10%经5%KH560改性的秸秆纤维制备再生骨料砌块28 d抗压强度较未改性时提高了102%。不同改性秸秆纤维的最佳掺量为5%KH550改性的秸秆纤维20%、5%KH560改性的秸秆纤维10%和2%KH570改性的秸秆纤维20%。
A Facile Synthesis of Three Dimensional β-Ni(OH)2 Composed of Ultrathin Nanosheets for High Performance Pseudocapacitor
Qin, Zhenhua;Wang, Yan;Huang, Xiaoman;Shen, Wenjuan;Yu, Jiuhong;...
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials ,2020年30(6):2089-2097 ISSN:1574-1443
Li, Jianfen
[Yu, Jiuhong; Huang, Xiaoman; Li, Jianfen; Qin, Zhenhua; Shen, Wenjuan; Wang, Yan] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Li, Jianfen] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Capacitance;Chlorine compounds;High resolution transmission electron microscopy;Nickel compounds;Phase structure;Scanning electron microscopy;Spectrometers;Supercapacitor;Electrochemical activities;Hierarchical;Hydrolytic process;Scanning electrons;Specific capacitance;Thermal gravimetric;Ultrathin nanosheets;X ray photoelectron spectrometers;Nanosheets
Hierarchical β-Ni(OH)2 nanostructures composed of ultrathin nanosheets were synthesized via a hydrolytic process of nickel chloride. The obtained samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermal gravimetric, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectrometer. The corresponding results show that the Ni(OH)2 has a β-phase structure, and the hierarchical β-Ni(OH)2 nanostructures are made up of several cross-linked nanosheets, and the thickness of the nanosheets is only 9.3nm. The ultrathin nanosheets provide a very short diffusion channel for ion migration, which is beneficial to improve the electrochemical activity of the sample. The ultrathin β-Ni(OH)2 nanosheets aggregates have a specific capacitance of 1727 F/g at a current density of 1 A/g. Increasing the current density to 20 A/g, the specific capacitance can still maintain at 1235 F/g. Importantly, after 1000 charge–discharge cycles, the results show that the loss of the specific capacitance is only 1.6% at 1 A/g, and the loss is 27.9% at 20 A/g. The excellent performances of β-Ni(OH)2 nanostructures used as pseudocapacitors reveal the great potential of ultrathin nanosheets materials in energy storage. © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
Promoting hydrogen-rich syngas production through catalytic cracking of rape straw using Ni-Fe/PAC-γAl2O3 catalyst
Shi, Xunwang;Zhang, Kaidi;Cheng, Qunpeng* ;Song, Guangsen* ;Fan, Guozhi;...
Vidnovlyuvana Enerhetyka ,2019年140:32-38 ISSN:1819-8058
Cheng, Qunpeng;Song, Guangsen
[Cheng, Qunpeng; Li, Jianfen; Zhang, Kaidi; Shi, Xunwang; Song, Guangsen; Fan, Guozhi; Song, GS] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430073, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Cheng, QP; Song, GS] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430073, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Nickel-iron catalyst;Rape straw;Hydrogen-rich gas;Pyrolysis
A catalyst loaded Ni-Fe using powder active carbon (PAC) and gamma-Al2O3 as the support was prepared for hydrogen-rich syngas production from rape straw pyrolysis in a two-stage fixed reactor. EDX (Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), SEM (Scanning electron microscope) and N-2 isothermal adsorption desorption were used to characterize the catalysts. The results showed that the support of PAC-gamma Al2O3 was uniform with large specific surface area. The metals loaded on the support were well dispersed. The performance of Ni-Fe/PAC-gamma Al2O3 catalysts compared with single support catalyst NiO-Fe2O3/gamma Al2O3 (NFA) and NiO-Fe2O3/PAC (NFP) was studied. The results showed that the Ni-Fe/PAC-gamma Al2O3 catalysts showed a good catalytic activity which obviously enhanced the H-2 gas yield to 54.23 g/kg Rape straw and reduced the tar yield to 4.06 g/kg. Meanwhile, Ni-Fe/PAC-gamma Al2O3 catalysts had a stronger ability to prevent the deactivation to keep a longtime stability than the single carrier catalyst. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Synthesis of heterobinuclear Cu(Ⅱ)-Ni(Ⅱ) complex: Structure, CT-DNA interaction, hydrolytic function and antibacterial studies
Ding, Peipei;Wang, Yang;Kou, Huizhi;Li, Jianfen;Shi, Baoxian*
Journal of Molecular Structure ,2019年1196:836-843 ISSN:0022-2860
Shi, Baoxian
[Wang, Yang; Li, Jianfen; Ding, Peipei; Shi, Baoxian; Kou, Huizhi] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Shi, Baoxian] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Binding energy;DNA;Hydrolysis;Mass spectrometry;Single crystals;Spectroscopic analysis;X ray diffraction;Absorption and emissions;Anti-bacterial activity;Anti-bacterial studies;Antibacterial properties;DNA binding;Heterbinuclear complex;Single crystal x-ray diffraction;Template-directed synthesis;Complexation
A new benzyls pendant-armed macrobicyclic heterbinuclear Cu(Ⅱ)-Ni(Ⅱ) complex has been obtained by template-directed synthesis and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectra, electrospray mass spectra, and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The complex was bridged by two phenolic oxygens and an acetate radical, with the Cu(Ⅱ)-Ni(Ⅱ) distance of 2.9292(8) Å. The hydrolytic function, CT-DNA binding and antibacterial properties were also studied. The initial rate values for the hydrolysis of 4-nitophenylphosphate to 4-nitrophenolate by the Cu(Ⅱ)-Ni(Ⅱ) complex was 1.33 × 10−5 s−1, and 104 times faster than that the spontaneous hydrolysis of the phosphate monoester. The complex shows a better binding property to CT-DNA and the intrinsic binding constant is 1.29 × 105 M−1. The Stern-Volmer constant is 1.25 × 105 M−1. The viscosity increased obviously with the increase of complex concentration, the results showed that the complex bind to DNA through intercalation mode, which was in accordance with the absorption and emission spectral studies. The antibacterial activities against E.coli was also investigated using the Gentamycinas reference system. © 2019
Ni/Zr-MOF 催化剂的制备及其在生物质热解中的应用
燃料化学学报 ,2019年47(9):1067-1074 ISSN:0253-2409
[尚双; 郭朝强; 兰奎; 李泽善; 秦振华; 贺维韬; 李建芬] School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan, 430023, China
通过均匀沉淀法制备了以锆-金属有机骨架化合物(Zr-metal organic framework,Zr-MOF)为载体的Ni/Zr-MOF催化剂,并用于湿污泥和秸秆混合催化热解实验。采用元素分析、X射线荧光光谱(XRF) 、热重分析(TG) 、X射线衍射(XRD) 、扫描电镜(SEM)和N_2吸附-脱附等温(BET)对载体和催化剂进行表征分析,通过一系列实验来探讨热解温度、秸秆添加量和Ni负载量对于湿污泥和秸秆混合催化热解制备富氢合成气的影响。结果表明,Zr-MOF载体颗粒均匀呈八面体,比表面积高达805.93 m~2/g,平均孔径为20.14 nm,为介孔结构。Ni/Zr-MOF催化剂具有较高的热稳定性和催化活性。与不添加催化剂相比,使用Ni/Zr-MOF催化剂在500 ℃下热解,H_2的产量从0.39 mol/kg显著提高到12.65 mol/kg。随着热解温度的升高,催化剂出现团聚现象,同时在反复使用之后其表面产生了少量的积炭,导致催化剂催化活性逐渐降低。因此,Ni/Zr-MOF催化剂适用于生物质低温催化热解。
化工新型材料 ,2019年47(4):267-271 ISSN:1006-3536
武汉轻工大学化学与环境工程学院,武汉,430023;[路遥; 程群鹏; 李红霞; 刘照; 史训旺; 李建芬; 辛馨] 武汉轻工大学
以稻壳热解的副产物稻壳焦为原料, 通过预处理、酸洗、焙烧、后处理等工艺流程, 制备了结构细、纯度高的白色二氧化硅 (SiO2) 固体粉末 (RHCS), 并对RHCS进行了表征与分析, 采用均匀沉淀法以RHCS为载体制得镍铁催化剂 (NiO-Fe2O3/RHCS), 并采用热解炉考察该催化剂在稻壳中的催化热解活性.结果表明:SiO2主要为无定形结构, 纯度达96.5%;850℃高温煅烧后SiO2结晶度约62%, 颗粒结构疏松均匀, 粒径1~10μm, 比表面积149cm2/g, 平均孔径95nm;NiO-Fe2O3/RHCS在稻壳热解中具有较高的催化活性, 可有效提高产品燃气品质, 气体产量为0.36m3/kg、H2含量9.18g/kg、可燃气体热值达到12.72kJ/m3, 具有较好的应用前景.
A new macrocyclic heterobinuclear Cu(II)-Zn(II) complex: synthesis, crystal structure, phosphate hydrolysis, and DNA binding studies
Kou, Huizhi;Wang, Yang;Ding, Peipei;Li, Jianfen;Shi, Baoxian*
Journal of Coordination Chemistry ,2019年72(10):1683-1696 ISSN:0095-8972
Shi, Baoxian
[Kou, Huizhi; Wang, Yang; Ding, Peipei; Li, Jianfen; Shi, Baoxian] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan, Hubei, Peoples R China
[Shi, Baoxian] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Macrocyclic heterobinuclear;crystal structure;phosphate ester hydrolysis;DNA binding;viscosity
A new macrocyclic heterobinuclear Cu(II)-Zn(II) complex was synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, ES-MS, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Five-coordinate geometry for the new complex is proposed. The copper…zinc distance bridged by two phenolic oxygens and a acetate ligand is 2.9508 Å. The phosphate ester hydrolysis activity and the DNA binding ability of the complex were studied. The results showed that the present complex has an efficient catalytic activity of phosphoester bond cleavage. The catalytic rate constant kcat for the hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenyl phosphate disodium salt hexahydrate (pNPP) by the synthesized complex is 2.69 × 10−4 s−1 and 105 times faster than the spontaneous hydrolysis of the phosphate monoester. The complex shows a good binding ability to calf thymus (CT-DNA) and the corresponding binding constant is 1.9 × 105 M−1. The linear Stern-Volmer quenching constant obtained by the fluorescent spectroscopic is 6.3 × 104 M−1. © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Hu, Liming;Yan, Juntao* ;Wang, Chunlei;Chai, Bo;Li, Jianfen*
催化学报 ,2019年40(3):458-469 ISSN:0253-9837
Yan, Juntao;Li, Jianfen
[Li, Jianfen; Wang, Chunlei; Hu, Liming; Chai, Bo; Yan, Juntao] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Yan, JT; Li, JF] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Chinese Symposium on Photocatalytic Materials (CSPM)
JUL 26-29, 2018
Wuhan Univ Technol, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA
Wuhan Univ Technol
Electrospinning;Photocatalysis;Ternary heterojunction;Z-scheme TiO2/g-C3N4/RGO
A series of Z-scheme TiO2/g-C3N4/RGO ternary heterojunction photocatalysts are successfully constructed via a direct electrospinning technique coupled with an annealing process for the first time. They are investigated comprehensively in terms of crystal structure, morphology, composition, specific surface area, photoelectrochemical properties, photodegradation performance, etc. Compared with binary TiO2/g-C3N4 and single-component photocatalysts, ternary heterojunction photocatalysts show the best photodegradation performance for RhB under stimulated sunlight. This can be attributed to the enlarged specific surface area (111.41 m2/g), the formation of Z-scheme heterojunction, and the high separation migration efficiency of photoexcited charge carriers. A potential Z-scheme mechanism for ternary heterojunction photocatalysts is proposed to elucidate the remarkably ameliorated photocatalytic performance based on active species trapping experiments, PL detection test of hydroxyl radicals, and photoelectrochemical properties.
Magnetic Dispersive Micro-solid Phase Extraction of Ni(II) and Pb(II) on ZnFe2O4 Nanotubes for Their Determination by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Chen, Shizhong* ;Yan, Juntao;Li, Jianfen;Lu, Dengbo
ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY ,2019年40(2):42-48 ISSN:0195-5373
Chen, Shizhong
[Chen, Shizhong; Lu, Dengbo] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Food Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.;[Li, Jianfen; Yan, Juntao] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Chen, Shizhong] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Food Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Magnetic ZnFe 2 O 4 nanotubes (ZFONTs) were prepared as a new adsorbent for dispersive micro-solid phase extraction of Ni(II) and Pb(II) in environmental and biological samples prior to their determination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The adsorption behaviors of the target ions on ZFONTs were studied. The results indicated that the analytes were quantitatively retained on ZFONTs in the pH range of 6.0–8.0, and eluted completely with 1.0 mL of 0.3 mol L -1 HNO 3 solution. Separation of the sorbent from the aqueous phase was achieved by an external magnet to avoid tedious centrifugation or filtration steps. The main parameters influencing preconcentration and determination of the analytes were studied in detail. Under the optimum conditions, the detection limits of this method were 0.39 and 2.1 pg mL -1 for Ni and Pb, respectively. The relative standard deviations were less than 6.0% (n= 9, c=1.0 ng mL -1 ). This method was used for the determination of trace Ni(II) and Pb(II) in water samples and a certified reference material of bovine liver with satisfactory results. The recoveries for the spiked samples were in the range of 94.0–105%. © 2019 PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Enhancement of CO2 capture in the MDEA solution by introducing TETA or TETA-AEP mixtures as an activator
Wang, Mei* ;Rao, Na;Liu, Yuqing;Li, Jiale;Cheng, Qunpeng;...
Separation Science and Technology ,2019年54(1):101-109 ISSN:0149-6395
Wang, Mei
[Rao, Na; Liu, Yuqing; Cheng, Qunpeng; Li, Jianfen; Li, Jiale; Wang, Mei] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Dept Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Wang, Mei] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Dept Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan, Hubei, Peoples R China.
CO2 capture;MDEA;activator;enhancement;viscosity
TETA or TETA-AEP mixtures were used as an activator to enhance CO<inf>2</inf> capture in the MDEA solution. The effect of amount and type of activators, and the viscosity of absorbents on CO<inf>2</inf> capture were discussed. The results showed that the positive effect of TETA-AEP mixtures on CO<inf>2</inf> capture in the MDEA solution was greater than that of TETA. The optimal absorbent was No. V, whose CO<inf>2</inf> absorption capacity/desorption efficiency was 3.08 times/1.18 times of No. І. The viscosity had a little influence on CO<inf>2</inf> absorption and an obvious effect on CO<inf>2</inf> desorption.<br/> ©2018, ©2018 Taylor & Francis.
Dispersive micro-solid phase extraction using magnetic ZnFe2O4 nanotubes as adsorbent for preconcentration of Co(II), Ni(II), Mn(II) and Cd(II) followed by ICP-MS determination
Chen, Shizhong* ;Yan, Juntao;Li, Jianfen;Lu, Dengbo
Microchemical Journal ,2019年147:232-238 ISSN:0026-265X
Chen, Shizhong
[Chen, Shizhong; Lu, Dengbo] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Food Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.;[Li, Jianfen; Yan, Juntao] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Chen, Shizhong] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Food Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Cobalt;Nickel;Manganese;Cadmium;Magnetic ZnFe2O4 nanotubes;Dispersive micro-solid phase extraction;Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
In this work, magnetic ZnFe 2 O 4 nanotubes (ZFONTs) were synthesized, characterized and used as adsorbent for dispersive micro-solid phase extraction of Co(II), Ni(II), Mn(II) and Cd(II) before their determination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Adsorption behaviors of target ions on ZFONTs were investigated. The results showed that the analytes were quantitatively retained on ZFONTs in the pH range of 6.0–8.0, and eluted completely with 1.0 mL of 0.4 mol L −1 HNO 3 . The separation of sorbent from aqueous phase was performed by an external magnet to avoid tedious centrifugation or filtration steps. Main parameters affecting preconcentration and determination of the analytes were studied in detail. Under optimum conditions, detection limits for Co(II), Ni(II), Mn(II) and Cd(II) were 0.10, 1.2, 3.7 and 0.09 pg mL −1 , respectively. Relative standard deviations were <4.5% (n = 9, c = 1.0 ng mL −1 ). This method was verified by analysis of Co(II), Ni(II), Mn(II) and Cd(II) in environmental and biological samples, including water samples and certified reference materials of mussel (GBW 08571) and human hair (GBW 09101). © 2019 Elsevier B.V.
Preparation of Fly Ash Nickel Catalyst and its Application in Catalytic Pyrolysis of Rice Straw for Syngas Production
Lan, Kui;Shang, Shuang;Guo, Chaoqiang;Xiong, Tao;Qin, Zhenhua;...
BIORESOURCES ,2019年14(3):6983-7000 ISSN:1930-2126
Li, Jianfen
[Shang, Shuang; Guo, Chaoqiang; He, Weitao; Li, Jianfen; Lan, Kui; Qin, Zhenhua; Xiong, Tao] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Li, Jianfen] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Catalytic pyrolysis;Fly ash;Rice straw;Syngas
The catalytic pyrolysis of rice straw for syngas (H2 + CO) production with nickel oxide (NiO)/fly ash catalysts was investigated in a horizontal fixed-bed quartz tube reactor. Besides, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller analysis were employed to study the physiochemical properties of the catalysts before and after catalytic pyrolysis of biomass. The results illustrated that NiO was uniformly loaded on the surface of fly ash via a filament-like coating. Furthermore, the effects of calcination temperature (400 to 700 °C), reaction temperature (550 to 800 °C), holding time (5 to 35 min), and NiO loading (5 to 30 wt%) on the catalyst performance were investigated. Analysis of the gas composition showed that the NiO/fly ash catalyst had the best ability to increase H2 and CO concentration at a 400 °C calcination temperature, 600 °C reaction temperature, 20 wt% NiO loading, and 20 min holding time. Compared with rice straw pyrolysis alone at these conditions, the concentration of H2 and CO experienced a steep increase from 7 vol% to 41 vol% and 18 vol% to 34 vol%, respectively. The catalyst developed in this research opens a new pathway for the utilization of fly ash in the field of biomass pyrolysis. © 2019 North Carolina State University.
Catalytic Conversion of Glucose to 5-(Hydroxymethyl)furfural Over Phosphotungstic Acid Supported on SiO2-Coated Fe3O4
Wang, Yuexin;Hu, Zongxiao;Fan, Guozhi* ;Yan, Juntao;Song, Guangsen;...
Waste and Biomass Valorization ,2019年10(8):2263-2271 ISSN:1877-2641
Fan, Guozhi;Li, Jianfen
[Hu, Zongxiao; Wang, Yuexin; Li, Jianfen; Fan, Guozhi; Song, Guangsen; Yan, Juntao] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, 68 South Xuefu Rd, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Fan, GZ; Li, JF] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, 68 South Xuefu Rd, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Glucose;5-(Hydroxymethyl)furfural;Phosphotungstic acid;Fe3O4;SiO2
Abstract: There is a significant interest in valorization of biomass and its derivatives into chemicals. In this work, glucose derived from biomass was converted into 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural (HMF). Phosphotungstic acid (PHA) supported on magnetic nanoparticles Fe3O4 coated by SiO2 (Fe3O4@SiO2/PHA) was prepared and employed in the synthesis of HMF from glucose. The supported catalyst of Fe3O4@SiO2/PHA was characterized by infrared spectroscopy (IR) and powder X-ray diffraction. The results indicated that the supported catalyst exhibited similar catalytic activity to that of homogeneous PHA. The effects of such reaction variables as the amount of PHA, reaction solvent, temperature and time were studied in detail. The yield of HMF at 30.4% was observed at 130 °C for 3 h in N,N-dimethylformamide under nitrogen atmosphere. The supported catalyst was recovered by an external magnet after the reaction and reused in the next run without further pretreatment. No significant change in activity was observed at the initial four cycles, in which the yield of HMF changed in a small range from 28.7 to 30.8%. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature.
应用化工 ,2019年48(6):1331-1335 ISSN:1671-3206
武汉轻工大学 化学与环境工程学院,湖北 武汉,430023;[张凯迪; 程群鹏; 陈肯; 李红霞; 尚双; 兰奎; 李建芬; 辛馨] 武汉轻工大学
在N_2气氛下,采用卧式管式炉以10 ℃/min的升温速率对塑料、厨余类和未分类生活垃圾在600,700,800 ℃下进行热解。同时,对城市生活垃圾进行热重分析,对热解前后垃圾中的氯含量进行元素分析;以NaOH溶液吸收热解过程中产生的HCl,并用硝酸银滴定法进行测定。结果表明,塑料垃圾的氯含量最高,而厨余垃圾的氯含量最低;垃圾热解过程中,HCl析出量随着温度的上升而增加,残余焦炭中的氯含量随着温度的上升而减少。在升温过程中,HCl的最大析出速率均在400 ℃左右,600 ℃以后HCl的析出速率再次增加。未分类垃圾热解过程中的HCl析出率最高,厨余垃圾最低;低温热解及对含氯量相同的垃圾进行分类热解,有利于控制污染物HCl的析出。
Magnetic ZnFe 2 O 4 nanotubes for dispersive micro solid-phase extraction of trace rare earth elements prior to their determination by ICP-MS
Chen, Shizhong* ;Yan, Juntao;Li, Jianfen;Lu, Dengbo
Microchimica Acta ,2019年186(4):228 ISSN:0026-3672
Chen, Shizhong
[Chen, Shizhong; Lu, Dengbo] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Food Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.;[Li, Jianfen; Yan, Juntao] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Chen, Shizhong] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Coll Food Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Water samples;Tea leaves;Human hair;Magnetic separation;Scanning electron microscopy;X-ray diffractometer
Magnetic ZnFe 2 O 4 nanotubes (ZFONTs) with numerous pores on their walls were synthesized and characterized. They are shown to be a viable sorbent for dispersive micro-solid phase extraction of the trivalent ions of rare earth elements (REEs), specifically of lanthanum, praseodymium, europium, gadolinium, holmium and ytterbium. The specific surface area of ZFONTs is large (57m 2 ⋅g −1 ) and much bigger than that of ZnFeO 4 nanoparticles (16m 2 ⋅g −1 ). It is shown that REEs are quantitatively retained on ZFONTs in the pH range of 7.0–9.0. The separation of the sorbent from the aqueous phase was achieved by an external magnetic field. Following elution with 0.5mol⋅L −1 HNO 3 , REEs were quantified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The main parameters influencing preconcentration and determination of the REEs were studied. Under optimum conditions, detection limits for REEs range from 0.01(Ho) to 0.75(La) pg⋅mL −1 . Relative standard deviations are less than 6.5% (for n = 9; at 1.0ng⋅mL −1 ). The method was applied to the determination of trace REEs in spiked biological and environmental samples and gave satisfactory results. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature.
Simulation and testing of the calorific value and cost analysis of biomass pyrolysis for heating, cooling, and power production
Zhang, Kaidi;Shi, Xunwang;Xin, Xin;Chen, Ken;Li, Jianfen* ;...
BIORESOURCES ,2019年14(3):5224-5234 ISSN:1930-2126
Li, Jianfen
[Zhang, Kaidi; Shi, Xunwang; Xin, Xin; Chen, Ken; Li, Jianfen; He, Weitao; Qin, Zhenhua] Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China;[Yang, Haiping] Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Power & Energy Engn, State Key Lab Coal Combust, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, Peoples R China;[Zhang, Chen] Blooming Beijing Technol Co Ltd, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China
[Li, Jianfen] W;Wuhan Polytech Univ, Sch Chem & Environm Engn, Wuhan 430023, Hubei, Peoples R China.
Biomass;CCHP;Cost analysis;Pyrolysis;Syngas
Ni-based catalysts supported on olivine were synthesized for cracking the biomass and producing the syngas. Syngas is used directly as fuel source for the cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) system, which can be produced through biomass pyrolysis process. Integrating combined CCHP systems with biomass pyrolysis results in a sustainable distributed energy system that effectively utilizes biomass resources and improves energy efficiency. To achieve a higher energy efficiency and more cost-effective operation, a simplified cost analysis method based on the Advanced System for Process Engineering (Aspen Plus) was applied to the CCHP system based on biomass pyrolysis. First, syngas was used as a fuel source for the CCHP system, which can be produced through a biomass pyrolysis experiment. In the experiment, the yields of the gas before and after the addition of a catalyst were compared. Second, syngas was passed to the reactor in Aspen Plus, which simulated the calorific values of the syngas produced by biomass pyrolysis under different conditions. Moreover, the simulated syngas heat values were applied to a TFRJ3K straw gas engine. Finally, the cost of the syngas for power generation, cooling, and heating was calculated. The power generation cost was 1.2 RMB/kW, the air conditioning refrigeration cost was 22.752 RMB/d, and the household heating cost was 20 RMB/d. © 2019, North Carolina State University.
Preparation and characterization of Ni /TPC catalyst and applied in straw pyrolysis gas reforming
燃料化学学报 ,2018年46(6):659-665 ISSN:0253-2409
[史训旺; 辛馨; 刘照; 路遥; 李红霞; 李建芬; 程群鹏] School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan, 430023, China
以废弃汽车外轮胎热解后的副产物轮胎热解焦( Tyre pyrolysis char,TPC)为原料,利用均匀沉淀法制备以轮胎焦为载体的负载型Ni /TPC催化剂,采用EDX、SEM、XRD、TG、BET手段对催化剂进行了表征与分析,同时使用管式炉测试了Ni / TPC催化剂在秸秆热解燃气重整中的催化性能,并考察了热解温度、保温时间、镍负载量及催化时间对秸秆热解燃气重整效果的影响。研究结果表明,TPC富含焦和金属,Ni /TPC催化剂分散均匀,热稳定性好,比表面积为62 m~2 /g。催化剂活性测试显示,Ni /TPC催化剂用于作物秸秆热解燃气重整具有很强的催化活性,可显著提高燃气中可燃气体含量; 热解温度在750 ℃、保温时间10 min、30%的Ni负载量时Ni /TPC催化剂的催化效率最高,连续使用850 min后,燃气中的H_2含量仍相对提高到50%以上,长时间使用后活性结构由Ni_3ZnC_(0.7)转变成FeNi_3,催化活性依然较强且趋于稳定,TPC可以作为良好的新型镍基催化剂载体。